Welcome back to part #3 on Logo Design and Branding.
Ok, Per the FedEx Logo, For those who didn't pickup on the hidden part, it`s an arrow!,
The arrow is in the E&X, probably seen it a thousand times and never noticed it, very clever. now try to look at the logo again with out ever seeing the arrow :) Thousands of logos, this is one example of thousands designed with Occult (hidden) or subliminal graphics and meanings.
So when you have Your LOGO designed, keep it basic and easy to read. if you or your designer can come up with a subliminal graphic impression on or in your logo Bonus!, but don`t stress it. More importantly you need a design that conveys your company, image or product correctly. it should identify you in graphic as well as complement your name. Your Logo should ALWAYS be created in a Vector format. This can only achieved with specific professional graphic design programs.
"No you Do Not have to have a vector based logo to start with", but if you plan on printing anything more than a basic business card, letterhead etc, you WILL incur additional costs down the line if you wish to grow.
I will get into this in greater detail in Part #4.
DreamGig Innovations Printing & Design
Your One Stop shop for Everything
Printed and Designed
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